Why I bought Bru-Bag instead of Cornhole!

Cornhole rules are really quite simple. To start, you set the boards 25 feet apart, then when playing 2 vs 2, teammates will line-up across from one another on opposing boards. Generally there are Eight bags total, each person gets 4 bags to toss, the game starts by one participant tossing a bag. If the bag hits and stays on the board, then that bag will count for 1 point, if the bag goes through the hole in the board then that bag will count for three points. Immediately after the 1st players bags lands on the board or goes thru the opening then it is now the second teams turn to throw. If the 2nd players bag gets the same amount of points as the first players throw, they cancel 1 another out (example of this: When the first participant sinks it in the hole & then the 2nd player does also, then the points cancel each other out). As soon as all 8 bags have been tossed then the points are totaled up and the team with the most points gets first shot in the next round. This continues till one team reaches 21 points (will need to win by 2). Now you are aware the basics of Cornhole rules it’s time you learned all about Bru-Bg’s rules.

At this point you might be thinking “Cornhole rules are simple…I like Simple” But are simple rules really what you want in your yard game? If that’s what you’re really into, then candy land might be your favorite board game and you probably still don’t use anything but a home phone rather than having a cell phone. Simple isn’t the way we are living our life anymore and to be honest with you many of us couldn’t return to a time when things were “Simple”. That’s where Bru-Bag comes into play, yes our rules are slightly more involved and so what if we encourage you to utilize your house rules when playing our game. We recognize that a few may consider that “complicated”. The fact that you have already got a sense of just how the game is played with out me even beginning to talk about the rules yet demonstrates that yes, Bru-Bag has lots of rules but it’s not really “complicated” specifically if you have played beruit at some point the past.

the easy and simplest way to consider Bru-Bag’s rules is this, see those six holes in the picture to the right? Those six holes represent the six red cups which you would typically placed in beer pong. Now observe those two bean bags? You guessed it those are the same as the 2 main ping pong balls that you and your partner use in beer pong. Last but not least, you see the covers on the floor beside the set? When the opponent sinks a bag through the hole you need to IMMEDIATELY cover the opening with those covers. This is the same as drinking the red cup and taking it off from the table. Now you might be thinking “that’s pretty cool” hold on there’s more. Recall the rules that you along with your buddies/girlfriends use to play whenever you were running the table way back in your early 20’s? They’re all here redemption, overtime, re-racks, bags back and much more. Even if one of the rules that you use to play with isn’t within our official rules, you can simply use your own house rules when playing the game. So there’s tons of different methods to play Bru-Bag. Heck you can also throw it overhand if you want (which is forbidden in Cornhole rules).

Seeing that you’ve seen the real difference in the two games we’re certain that the decision is clear when you are looking at your upcoming yard game purchase. Not only is Bru-Bag more fun, less expensive, lightweight & made from real wood right here in the USA. It also carries a 30 day money-back guarantee to guarantee your complete satisfaction, that’s how confident we are that you are going to love our game.

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